Monday, November 28, 2011

Sex and Dating - Casual Sex, Lets Talk About It

It is no secret that the rules/norms of dating and sex have changed dramatically within the last few generations.  And today, internet dating throws its own wrench into the mix.

Although everyone approaches sex differently (ie what it means to them, when they're ready for it, etc) casual sex (which has, of course, always been around) has become much more commonplace, and much more acceptable as compared to several decades ago.

So - it seems the rules have changed, but have people changed?   Is this a good thing?

And regarding casual sex -when is it a mistake vs what we really want - always, never, when we're on vacation?

Readers, I want to hear your thoughts.  When it comes to sex, what rules do you set for yourself - or do you even have rules?  If you do - how have you made them?

Share your stories, experiences, and thoughts - I'm developing a post about this topic and I'd love your input!



  1. Since moving to NYC my views on casual sex have changed drastically. I'm more open to it now, or at least I try to be, and act that way. But I think deep down I don't enjoy it much.

  2. Interesting... what do you think it was about NYC specifically that influenced that change? Do you feel that the expectations of the people you date might have affected that, or something else? Also, are there certain principles or rules you set for yourself when it comes to sex? If you're interested in participating in a dialogue about this, please feel free to contact me via email:

    Thanks for your input!
