Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Posts

Hello and thank you so much for reading this blog!! As I state elsewhere, I started the blog with the hope that I would incorporate ideas, stories and thoughts from readers into my own reflections about certain topics.  Over the past few days, I have been attempting to reach out to new readers and encourage feedback about the topics that I plan to write about in upcoming posts.

I have received a bit of feedback from readers, which has been awesome (thanks you guys!!)  But, I am hoping to be able to write with a broader perspective, and for that it would be ideal to hear from a few more folks. 

In the posts below entitled "When It's Over" and "Sex and Dating - Casual Sex, Lets Talk About It" I describe  ideas for upcoming posts that I'd like to write about, which include moving on after breakups and casual sex in the world of modern dating.  In those posts, I pose a few questions I'd like to reflect upon as I write the upcoming pieces.  Ideally, I hope to incorporate your ideas and experiences, as well as my own. 

If you have enjoyed what you've read here thus far, I ask you to consider sharing your thoughts/experiences/other feedback about the topics that I plan to write about in upcoming articles.

To do so please email:

I will not use any identifying information from any email that I receive (names, etc)  If you feel more comfortable using anonymous comments to communicate, feel free to do that too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karen. Thanks for following on Twitter. I am not on Facebook at the moment. Please conduct other inquiries (ie not related to blog content) via email, thanks. (
