Wednesday, December 7, 2011

When It's Over #1

Anyone who watches the show Mad Men is familiar with its outstanding theme song:

The raw and intense rhythm of the opening credits is an excellent match to the series' plot line, which, among other things, incorporates the emotional highs and lows of the characters' relationships (including numerous extramarital affairs).  In the most recent season, two of the main characters decide to end a major long-term relationship and the adjustments that accompany this decision are central to the storyline.  In case anyone is unfamiliar with the show, I won't give away any more of the plot - but I wanted to include one of my favorite quotes about the process of moving on:

"There is no fresh start.  Lives carry on."

To quote another of my favorite shows (Veronica Mars - seriously check it out if you haven't, and if you already have and you loved it, chances are we'd get along very well)

"You can laser a guy's name off your ass, but I wonder whether you can really ever cut him out of your heart."

Now, the shows' heroine is both a high school student and a highly intelligent female, but I'd like to believe that that quote applies outside of the contexts of youth and the female gender - because if so, and if seen in a positive light, then love never leaves us empty handed.  It may leave its scars, but there is always something to be taken - lessons, memories and other changes that are impossible for even the world's best wordsmiths to articulate.

More to come soon!!!  To share your own experiences and thoughts about the process of moving on after a breakup (anonymously, as always!!) please email:

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